Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Science tells us that if the universe is a football field,
Then our galaxy is smaller than the fly,
Which sits atop your hotdog,
And our solar system is probably the gut bacteria inside of the fly and… 
Where does that leave our dear planet Earth?
Where does that leave us humans?
Our planet has existed without us for a long time,
So how important is one single speck of dust,
In a polluted old mining town? 
We probably only fill one page in a 100-volume encyclopaedia of the history of the universe.
Then why are you, sitting in your chair contemplating your empty life,
Or you, crying your eyes out over losing that special someone,
Or you, having a complete breakdown and screaming into your pillow,
Why do any of you matter?
In a world with over 7 billion people and a hundred billion problems,
Why do your problems count?
Other people have it worse, you will hear them say.
There are issues bigger than your existence,
So you don’t matter.

Or maybe you do.
You probably meet ten people in a day,
And more than a thousand in your lifetime,
Who would’nt be the same if they never met you.
We are all in a web connected to each other through beautiful emotional bonds,
And one less drop in the ocean still makes a difference,
One brick less can still make us topple.
The 7 billion people won’t be same without you,
And our planet won’t be the same without the people,
And our solar system won’t be the same without the Earth,
And the Milky Way galaxy won’t be the same,
And the universe won’t be the same.
So here’s to all those who,
Sit alone on a bench meant for three,
For those who eat lunch alone in a crowded cafeteria,
For those who cry themselves to sleep,
For those who think their life is heading nowhere,
For those who want to pull their hair out in frustration,
For those who try to put on a fake smile,
For those who die a little inside every single day,
For those who believe their existence doesn’t matter and that their absence would make no difference to this world.
You do matter,
Because science also says that the possibility of you being born,
Is one in 400 trillion.
A million events had to happen in a certain way for you to walk this earth in a hundred different permutations and combinations,
And though the universe had to work a little too hard,
It did conspire the creation of someone as rare and irreplaceable as you.
Because without you,
Someone else’s day wouldn’t be the best,
Someone’s diary wouldn’t be so interesting,
And someone’s entire life wouldn’t have changed for the better.
And though the fancy science trivia in this poem might be a little bit faulty, you’re not.
So don’t ever feel like you don’t matter,
Because nothing would ever be the same without you.


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